Chaoyang University of Technology Course Schedule
1st semester
Subject Information
Course Number: 7727 Course Name: Research in Early Childhood Educational Approaches
Instructor: CHU SHIN LIN Department: Department of Early Childhood Development and Education
Credits: 3 Class: Evening course ,First Grade ,A Class
Hours perweek: 3 Required/Elective: Required
Category: General
Date/Time/Location: (一)A-C,G-508


The course is aimed to discuss the origin, philosophy, curriculum and instruction, assessment methods, and application of early childhood educational approaches in the world. Also, students will critique strengths and weaknesses of every approach, and compare the similarities and differences. After reading related literature, students are expected to contemplate about the most appropriate practices in early childhood care and education.

Topics for each week:
week 1:
week 2:
week 3:
week 4:
week 5:
week 6:
week 7:
week 8:
week 9:
week 10:
week 11:
week 12:
week 13:
week 14:
week 15:
week 16:
week 17:
week 18:

NO Grading


Teaching Materials:
NO Teaching Materials

書名:孩子的工作與遊戲 作者: 出版年(西元): 出版社:光佑
書名:孩子們萬歲—義大利嬰幼兒保育方案 作者: 出版年(西元): 出版社:光佑
書名:孩子的一百種語言 作者: 出版年(西元): 出版社:光佑
書名:邁向自由的教育 作者: 出版年(西元): 出版社:光佑
書名:探索孩子的心靈世界 作者: 出版年(西元): 出版社:心理
書名:蒙特梭利童年教育 作者: 出版年(西元): 出版社:先智
書名:與兒童一起探索 作者: 出版年(西元): 出版社:光佑
書名:小小探索家—幼兒教育中的方案教學 作者: 出版年(西元): 出版社:華騰
書名:全語言的「全」全在哪裡? 作者: 出版年(西元): 出版社:信誼
書名: 作者: 出版年(西元): 出版社:

NO Prerequisite

Lecturer information:
Lecturer WebPage:http://www.cyut.edu.tw/~olin/
E-Mail: olin@cyut.edu.tw
Office Hour:

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