Chaoyang University of Technology Course Schedule
1st semester
Subject Information
Course Number: B021 Course Name: Computer Aided Design III
Instructor: CHYI GANG KUO Department: Department of Architecture
Credits: 2 Class: Normal course ,Third Grade ,X Class
Hours perweek: 2 Required/Elective: Required
Category: General
Date/Time/Location: (四)1-2,D-307


This semester is aim at place 3D model on site, and set up the camera path to simulate how the scenery in the urban perform the architectural design. There are a few topics to be approached 1. to setup the camera path 2. to setup the time trajectory

Topics for each week:
week 1:Introduction of the curriculum (3D animation and interactive multimedia)
week 2:Advanced presentation techniques of 3D modeling -1
week 3:Advanced presentation techniques of 3D modeling -2
week 4:Scenario setting
week 5:Background music application
week 6:"Lumion" animation settings
week 7:"Lumion" special elements application and adjustment -1
week 8:"Lumion" special elements application and adjustment -2
week 9:"Movie maker" editing and post-production special effects
week 10:Animation outputconversion, file , web publishing
week 11:Midterm work submission and share
week 12:After Effect environment setting
week 13:After Effect project 1
week 14:After Effect project 2
week 15:After Effect project 3
week 16:After Effect project 4
week 17:Final project working
week 18:Final project submitting and idea sharing

Midterm Work:35%
Final Work:45%

■3D MAX國際認證

Teaching Materials:
1.Digital files and data(數位學習平台)
2.Oral introduction and paper handout(教師演講資料與解說)
3.DIY teaching material(自製教材)

NO References

1."Computer Aided Desi

Lecturer information:
Lecturer WebPage:
E-Mail: chyigang@cyut.edu.tw
Office Hour:

Please protect and respect the intellectual property rights.